This review has resided in limbo for well over a month now.
At the behest of our good friends over at This Charming Man Records, I've been
sat Burning Village for longer than I care to remember, and being a long term
diehard fan of the band, it fair to say it's nearly killed me.
I will however open with this - For those of you who have
followed Mountain Witch over the years, you may be somewhat taken a back
trio's most recent sound. It's out with the traditional sombre doom-groove and
in with something wholly more, well, retro. Fortunately the change to the
band's dynamic has been pretty
release of Cold River, the band laid the ground work for
what they have progressed to today. So the exchange of fuzz to funk shouldn't
pose too much of a shock to the system. Fear not though, when I say that (often
dreaded) four letter F word, they've not gone all stacked heels and slap bass.
Don't think Bootsy Collins, no, instead imagine if Grand Funk had one day
picked up a Ouija board and got heavily into the works of Aleister Crowley and
Vincent Price, then gone on to release We're an American Doom Band... this is
exactly how that would have sounded.
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